
Lawn Care / Apr 02, 2020

Which Grasses Grow Best In Shade?

Do you have a lot of shade in your yard? If so, you’re going to need to think long and hard about what kind of grass you grow in it. If you pick grass that needs a lot of sun to flourish, you are obviously going to run into big problems when you plant it….

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Lawn Care / Feb 06, 2019

Reasons to Choose Sod Over Seed

Is the grass in your lawn starting to look a little bit too bare for your liking? There are a couple of ways you can change that. You can either lay down sod or spread seeds to get the look you’re going for. In addition, while both of these methods are effective, sod is the….

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Lawn Care California / Mar 10, 2017

Rain and Snowpack Bring Drought Relief to California

After living for five years in a drought of historic proportions, Californians are finally seeing relief from a dry spell that some thought might never end. A year ago, more than 90 percent of the state was in some level of drought. Today, thanks to weeks of record-setting rain and heavy snowpack in the north, less….

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Lawn Care California / Nov 11, 2016

Autumn Rains Relieve Drought Conditions in California

Nearly three years ago, California state officials issued a drought emergency which is still in effect today. Living for years with restrictions on watering lawns, filling pools, and even flushing toilets has been exhausting, but we have some good news. According to NBC, almost ¼ of The Golden State has been able to lower their drought….

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Drought / Jul 11, 2016

Maintaining Your Lawn During a Drought

Here in California, we’re in the third year of one of a historic drought that has left many parts of the state, including Los Angeles and other major cities, looking dry and parched. This summer, businesses, and homeowners were forced to adhere to strict water conservation rules in an effort to preserve this precious resource…..

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{{ toastMessage }}

Select the shape of the section

Lawn Area Calculator

Total Area = {{totalArea}} sq ft

plot plan

Break down your lawn into easy-to-measure shapes!
Use a tape measure to find the dimensions of each section, and let us do the math for you.

  • {{calculateArea(plot)}} sq ft
